Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

The Lord's Day [64th day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda.

I've chilled out all day today. Frankly speaking, I had three plans for today. However, the first plan to go to an Indian restaurant with Indian friends was canceled at eleven o'clock for some reason. At that time, something loosened in my heart. I changed my mind to confirm myself and spent time doing nothing in my room this holiday and canceled all the appointments, which didn't bother anyone. Basically, I'm a sort of indoor man and love spending time in my room so that I'm used to and good at being lazy. I don't want to waste my time, especially in America, but I sometimes need to have slacking-off time to lead a healthy life in terms of physical and mental. By the way, I finished HTML introductory course on Codecademy. HTML is a simple language, and its syntax is easy to remember and understand. I also began learning how to make a chatbot with python. It's also fun so far.



こんばんは。ただいま午前3時です。今日一日部屋にいたことで完全に生活習慣がまずいことになってしまいました笑 明日は朝6時に起きたいです。ではおやすみなさい。Have a good dream