Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Takoyaki [63rd day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda.

Two months have passed since I arrived in the U.S. There has been less and less something new or unfamiliar with me as I've been spending time here. However, I had a new experience today. It's eating TAKOYAKI in America. I could get frozen takoyaki at Fresh, an Asian supermarket near campus. I've already run out of meal plan tickets used for meals at dining halls for this week by today, so I ate that takoyaki for dinner today. 



This is the takoyaki I ate. It's ordinal frozen takoyaki but was made to be sold in foreign countries, so the explanation on the wrapping is written in English. The way of cooking is just heat it with microwave for 5 minutes. The taste was pretty much the same as frozen takoyaki in Japan. I can't pour sauce or mayo on takoyaki cuz I don't have them, but taste was good. I was impressed by the taste and smell of Dashi. 

こんばんは。一昨日からやらないとと言っていた課題が一旦終わりました!拍手喝采!明日、図書館のライティングコンサルタントの人に見てもらって、英語の修正をして貰えば完成です。課題が終わると少し心の質量が軽くなりますね(ツッコミの下手な関東人)。ではこの辺で。Have a good dream.