Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Holy Yoshinoya [65th day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda.

I went to bed after 3am yesterday, but I made it to get up early and didn't fail to attend the morning class. The class was a smartphone shooting class. In the class today, we kicked off the 4th group project and started to prepare for the shootings for next week, including deciding the roles of group members and where we'll shoot. The other teams assembled and working on the project together; however, no one out of 7 people in my team except me attended today's class, and only my team in the classroom has made no progress because I can't talk to and discuss with anyone😖 I sent the other members an email that warns them never to be absent from the next class while hearing other teams, which has 4-7 mates having fun conversations💢 That was terrible... By the way, after the class, I visited my Japanese friend's house and ate Japanese lunch. He is an international student in his senior year and rents an apartment with large rooms and a fancy kitchen. I asked him to go to his house because I had something I wanted but couldn't do in my room. This.


It's frozen pre-packed "gyudon" made by Yoshinoya. I hoped to eat gyudon from the bottom of my heart and got this at Fresh two weeks ago. As I grabbed it, but I couldn't get Japanese rice, I asked him to cook Japanese rice with a rice cooker, and he welcomed me! Thanks to him, I made it to eat gyudon in perfect condition and could feel the taste of authentic Japanese food. It was so delicious. I felt it tasted three times better than I eat it in Japan😭



お米だけでなく肉じゃがも作ってご馳走してもらっちゃいました。感動的に美味しかったです。「冷凍の牛丼で何を大袈裟な」と思っている方もいるかも知れませんが、こっちで食べると本当に美味しいんです。2ヶ月の間、基本まともに日本食の味を感じられず食事に物足りない思いをしていると、吉野家の冷凍牛丼ですら、集中して味わっちゃうくらい感動的に美味しいのです。どうか僕を可哀想な目で見ないでくださいね笑 アメリカのご飯が美味しくないのではなく、日本の外食が異常に美味しすぎるだけなので笑  ではまた明日。Have a nice day!