Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Codecademy [45th day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda. 

I went to the gym I shared in the last blog again today. As I was used to the atmosphere and the way to use equipment more than yesterday, I could concentrate on the exercise. By the way, I told you I started to learn python, and I have studied independently with some websites and Youtube videos. I decided to learn it with Codecademy from today on, and I've already bought an annual student pack. Codecademy is the most popular website for independently learning programming languages in the U.S. It provides tons of learning resources of various languages, including python3, which are extremely practical and straightforward. So, I hope it's gonna be more fun to learn python due to it.




「なんで路駐の料金払うやつに食べかけのピザが置いてあるの!?」 絶妙な場所と文脈のなさすぎるものの組み合わせに、思わず感動して写真を撮ってしまいました。現場からは以上です。では。Have a good day!