Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Speaking skills [46th day]

Hey. It's Illinois Panda.


I'm gonna talk about my English affairs. About 50 days have passed since I arrived in the U.S. I feel my English skills have improved more or less through everyday life. Although I think my listening, writing, or reading skills are steadily progressing to achieve the expected standard, I've felt speaking skill has been left behind other skills recently. One of the factors causing this problem is the shortage of the opportunity to speak English. There are plenty of opportunities to learn those former three skills, for example, I always hear English through daily life, read a pile of text for the classes, and write blogs every day and briefs as assignments sometimes; on the other hand, the chance of speaking English is not enough. Even though I speak English during discussion classes, club activities, and hanging out with friends, the average time of speaking English a day is estimated to be under an hour. On the one hand, there is a day when I speak English for more than 4 hours; on the other hand, there is a day when I hardly speak. That's why I decided to try speaking English for at least an hour every day from today on. Concretely speaking, I registered for two more conversation groups of English Corner in addition to one so that I secure an hour meeting on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Also, I'll participate in a conversation meeting of GLOBE, which is another club I join, from tomorrow on, and the meeting is held at least once a week. In addition to them, I've already had opportunities to use English in classes and club activities. And what I want to pointed out the most is that the most essential and efficient thing to promote speaking skills is making opportunities to hang out with friends. To conclude, I need to move around, seek and create opportunities by myself not to waste this moment.


夕方に誤ってお昼寝をしてしまい、起きたらすっかり暗くなっている、、、。今から外に出るのもめんどくさいなーーー。そうだ!こういう時のために辛ラーメンを買ってたんだ! はい、というわけで、今日の晩御飯は辛ラーメンでした。辛ラーメンはどこのお店にも置いてあるくらいメジャーな商品です。お湯を入れて3分でも調理できますが、常温の水を入れて3分レンジ調理でもできます。今回は後者を選びました。肝心の味はというと、あんまり美味しくなかったです。というかあんまり辛くなかったです。そして味が薄い。味もアメリカナイズドされてて出汁のない無味乾燥な仕上がりとなっていました。トゥデイズヒカキンズポイント、ドリュリュリュリュリュ、、、50ポインツ😖 ではまた明日。See you in tomorrow.