Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Maruchan Yakisoba [20th day]

Hi! It's Illinois Panda.

From this blog on, I make a minor change. I used to put a picture (usually a picture of my meal) at the beginning of the blog just after my imtroduction.  But if I do so, the blog's thumbnail will be that picture, which is often irrelevant to the subject, and it leads to losing your opportunity to catch the subject just by taking a glance at the thumbnail. That's why I'm determined to put an insignificant picture on half of a blog and a related picture at the beginning instead. Let's cut to the chase. Today's topic is this.



"Maruchan Yakisoba Teriyaki Beef Flavor" I've picked this up at a shop in a dining hall as soon as I found it. I was excited because I didn't imagine I could eat instant yakisoba made by a Japanese company. As you know, Maruchan is a very famous noodle company. I think it's popular for dried noodles, but I haven't ever seen its instant yakisoba in Japan. However, I have credits to Maruchan, so I had no doubts about the quality of this yakisoba.



It consists of dried noodles, dried vegetables (かやく), and seasoning powder. First, open the lid, put the dried vegetables in, and pour water until it reaches the inside line. Second, you put them into a microwave, cook for 4 minutes, and wait for 1 minute to make it cool down. Last, add the seasoning powder and take a bite. The way of this cooking is similar to typical Japanese instant yakisoba, but it is slightly different in terms of how to heat and whether you get rid of water.



The most important thing is taste. How was it? Hmmm... it was not good but OK. I might have expected too much. I feel it's pretty much better than instant udon I ate a week ago, and it could be similar to instant yakisoba we eat in Japan. But it's not the same definitely. Of course, I understand this is sold in the US and made for people living here. That's why it tastes teriyaki beef. Though I was a little disappointed with that taste because I wished the same taste like the Japanese ones. For this reason, I don't appreciate this yakisoba so much, while I think it does good work.




今日のお昼ごはんはマグロ丼でした!食堂で初めて日本食を発見して小躍りしました。味は東京のロードサイドショップにて500円くらいで売ってるマグロ丼に近かったです。お米もSticky Riceというもので、日本米ぽかった。(厳密には日本米ではないと思う)余談ですが、マグロ丼コーナーに"Nori"と書かれて置いてあったのが塩昆布で笑いました。では、今日はこんなところでおさらばです。Have a nice weekend!