Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

A Giant Gymnasium [44th day]

Hello. It's Illinois Panda.

I went to a huge general gymnasium on campus called Activities and Recreation Center (ARC). It consists of multiple exercise rooms, an inside swim pool, and a kind of sports room, including basketball courts, a badminton field, a climbing wall, and squash rooms, and there are many machines everywhere in the hallways. It is a four-story building. I went to an exercise room with lots of machines on the underground floor. Macho men and women are doing strenuous exercise with heavyweights. I was slightly overwhelmed by the macho, lol. I have hardly used exercise machines before, so I didn't know how to use them. I didn't find even which machine was suitable for me. I chose several machines by considering their looks and intuition. I found out the way to use them by looking at neighbors and just imitated, lol. I've already known what the gym is like, so I'll google how to use the machines property and go there again tomorrow.



こんばんは。以前ちょっと話をした気がするのですが、イリノイ大に交換留学している人たちでイリノイ大学留学記というブログを運営しています。今日、今年度初の投稿をしたのでぜひチェックしてください!最初の投稿は簡単な自己紹介なのですが、初投稿には不適切なくらい激重な自己紹介になってしまいました笑 何を言ってるのかは言ってるのかは見てもらえれば分かると思います。いやあやらかした。まあいいや。ではまた明日。Bye.