Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Labor Day [23rd day]

Hello. It's Illinois Panda.

As you said yesterday, today is a holiday called Labor Day. It's a day that celebrates workers' efforts and achievements. I succeeded in recovering my weary body because of it; on the other hand, I faced inconvenient events today. I went to the library to study in the morning, but it was close until 1 pm due to the holiday. Then I changed my mind and visit the store to buy a mag cup, though it was also close all day. I thought I would go to a hair salon to have my hair cut, but I couldn't for the same reason. I totally understand and agree that all employees should take a day off, especially today because it's Labor Day. I know that, but I feel I was sort of unfortunate, lol. My plan for today corrupted, so I enjoyed walking around and taking videos with my camera. It was a nice day.

Labar Day Event @Main Quad

今日の夜にLabar DayのイベントがMain Quadで開かれてたので、ふらっと寄ってきました。ホットドッグ、飲み物、スナックが無料配布されていたので、いっぱい貰って芝生の上でバクバク食べてきました。アメリカを言い訳に健康に悪いものばかり摂取してしまった。(反省)どうやら8:30からジュマンジの屋外上映があるらしいのですが、流石に時間が遅いので、食べてすぐに颯爽と部屋に戻りました。Lost in Spaceの続きでも見ることとします笑

ではまた明日。See you tomorrow!