Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Hooked on studing at a new place [40th day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda.

I've got nothing special to tell you, to be honest, lol. I just took three classes, did a few assignments, practiced Python, and fed on meals. That's all that I did today. As there seems nothing about my daily life to share with you, I'm gonna tell you a bit of myself. I'm in my junior year and came to UIUC for a one-year exchange program. After I finish the program, I'll return to my home university in Japan and redo my junior year, which means I postpone my graduate year for a year. Honestly speaking, I was a little anxious to study abroad at the expense of putting off my graduate year and losing a year spent in Japan. However, I didn't hesitate to come here much. This is because I did have much more anxiety to let myself stay in the environment with little stimulus and difficulty than that. I was totally unmotivated to make myself grow up in terms of improving my skill and life, and I made much fewer efforts than I needed to achieve who I want to be. Therefore, I had got to change something immediately. The best way to change lazy myself was to kick myself into a demanding environment. Then, I decided to come here. This place is stimulating me to challenge many things and gives me lots of invaluable experiences. As I imagined when I was a high school student, I can step forward by struggling with academic difficulties, including the language problem, as a university student. Although I know it is easy to change an environment and pretty hard to change myself dramatically. I feel no achievements after I came here, I just think I can put myself confronted against the adversary so far. I believe that leads to improving myself gradually, so I'm pretty satisfied with this environment for the time being in this point of view; I wanna flee from a pile of assignments every day, though, lol.



The 2nd floor of Ikenberry Dining Hall

上の写真は僕が最近ハマってる勉強場所です。皆さんご存知、アイクの共有スペースですね。(FYI; 僕のよく行く食堂"Ikenberry Dining Hall"の2階です)   広いスペースにポツポツとソファがある感じで、ソファの座り心地がとても良く、また程よく人の声が耳に入ってくるので、集中するのに持ってこいの環境です。同じフロアに小さな図書館とコンピューターラボがあるので、それも便利ですね。まあ何よりも推しポイントは、「お腹が空いたらすぐ下に行って食べれる!」これに尽きます。最高です。では今日はこの辺で。Bye.