Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Pulp Fiction [39th day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda.

As I woke up in the morning, I instantly perceived the air's coldness even inside the room. Soon after, I checked today's temperature on a weather app, and it said today's high is 18℃ and low is only 12℃. As the high temperature was above 30℃, and the low one was around 20℃ before 2 days ago, I was shocked about today's cold, it was not only cold but also windy, so it was freezing even in September. It seems to warn me about the glacial Winter here, which is horrible to me. Today, I completed editing a short movie for a film class. That film is a team assignment that requires us to replicate one scene from "Pulp Fiction" That scene is named "Uncomfortable Silence" In the scene, Mia and Vincent are talking over a glass of milkshake at a café. Editing was not so hard as the scene is only for 2 minutes, with less than 10 cuts. This assignment was not so difficult, but I'm not completely satisfied with its quality, so I'll try to improve the next task.



今夜、食堂から帰ってきて寮のドアを開けた瞬間、"...leave the building immediately, not by using the elevator..." という警告音が耳に入り、めっちゃびっくりして量を飛び出しました。その場から少し離れて寮のビルを振り返ると、警報と共にビルの部屋がピカピカと光っていました。そして中からぞろぞろと人が出てきました。ありゃ火事かなーと思いながら、外で待っていると、何分待っても消防車や救急車が来る気配がなく、煙も何も見えないので、なんだろうなーと思ってました。15分くらい外で待ってると警報音も光も消えて、外にいた人がどんどん部屋に戻って行きました。たまたま出会したルームメイトに聞いてみたら、「火災訓練だよ」とのこと。寮に帰ってきた瞬間に警告アナウンスを聞いたため、アナウンスの最初にあるであろう「これは試験放送です」的な文言を聞いておらず、まじの警報だと思って本気で焦ってしまいました。ダッシュでビルから逃げた自分が恥ずかしいです。今日はもう寝ます笑 では。Good night.