Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Vaccination [75th day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda.

I'm writing a blog for the first time in 2 days. Once I lost the habit of doing something, it's a little hard to reform the habit again. Now that I have decided not necessarily to post blogs every day, so I wanna be relaxed to write blogs :) Yesterday I got vaccinated in the clinic on campus. It was not for Covid-19 vaccine but other infectious diseases such as measles(麻疹) or meningitis(髄膜炎). I needed to meet the immunaization standard required to spend long time in America. I met most of the immunization requirement before I came here, but I had to get the rest of vaccination here because there are some vaccination whose types are different from ones taken in Japan or which aren't usually taken as a child in Japan. So, I got three injections and completed the immunization requirement. I was worried about getting injections in foreign countries, but I've been feeling good so far. I hope I'll stay safe for good.


Mckinley Health Center で予防注射しました

こんにちは。先週末、シカゴ旅行に行った時にシカゴ出身の友達にずっとドライブしてもらっていました。家から中心街までの往復等を含めて、一日に3時間くらい運転してくれたのです。そんなにも長時間運転してくれてありがとうと彼に伝えたのですが、本人はケロッとして、3時間なんて全然長くないよ、日常茶飯事だよって言ってて。日本とアメリカのスケールの違い(物理的な)を感じました。アメリカ人は、車で3時間かかる場所に住んでても「海のすぐそばに住んでいる」と言うし、日本人は新宿に住んでても「海の近くに住んでいる」とは言いませんね。当たり前と言えば当たり前だし、不思議と言えば不思議ですね。ではまた明日。Have a nice day!