Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Basketball Game🏀 [76th day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda,

I went to a university basketball game (UIUC vs. Indiana) and cheered up team Illinois! It was held at State Farm Center on campus. The game really heated up. The team Illinois is the BIG10 champion in 2020-2021, which means it was the strongest team in the league last season. And two members of the team Illinois was elected in the NBA draft this year, so I really expected the game today. I have almost no idea of the basketball rules, but many plays that happened on the court attracted me very well. I saw a lot of fantastic plays, including dunks, alley-oops, and one-hand alley-oop. I've never watched any basketball games before, so I had a lot of fun watching plays at an almost professional level. The plays were far beyond what I played in the Mario Basketball game with Wii. And lastly, the team Illinois won the game 94 - 79. So, I could be happy and satisfied in the last part of the day.



今日バスケが行われた会場はState Farm Centerという大きなドームだったのですが、この名前にも規模の大きさが隠れているんです。どういうことかというと、State Farm というのは全米展開されている、かなり大きなスーパーマーケットの会社なのです。つまり一大学のキャンパスに大企業がスポンサーになって競技場が作られているのです。さすがは大学スポーツが一番盛りあがっている国なだけありますね。日本の大学にも、マルエツスタジアムとか成城石井ドームがあってもいいんじゃないかと、思ったりしなくもなくもないですね笑  ではまた。Have a nice weekend!