Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Keto friendly food [??? day]

Hi, it's Illinois Panda.

I'm on a ketogenic diet that needs very restricted food control. I'm gonna teach you the pity food I've been eating recently. You can't succeed in working with a ketogenic diet without being patient with food. If you decide to do a ketogenic diet, you need to cut off almost all carbohydrates and eat tons of fat, instead. Concretely speaking, you have to reduce the number of carbohydrates to under 50g at most daily that a healthy adult usually consumes about 300g. It goes without saying that staple food such as rice, wheat, and corn basically contains many carbohydrates, though food people usually eat also includes carbohydrates. And, you have to consume fat up to it reaches over 70% of daily calories that is insane. To meet these two conditions, the food I can eat is meat, fish, oil, mushroom, a small number of green vegetables, cheese, whip cream, and nuts. I'm prohibited from eating rice, wheat, most vegetables, milk, sugar, snacks, dressing, any juices. As for me, it is more disgusting that I have to eat only fatty food, including greasy meat, than that I can't eat sugar. However, because I've kept this role intensely and basically eat fat, I'm on the right track to succeed, and I've already lost weight by 2kg on the fourth day. 


こんばんは。ケトダイエット4日目にしてケトーシスに入ることができました!!普通の人はまず1週間はかかると言われていることから、僕にはケトの才能があるのかもしれません。ケトーシスに入ったので、明日からは脂質の量をだんだんと少なくしていき、摂取カロリー<消費カロリーになるようにして体脂肪をガンガン燃やしていこうと思ってます。先程ナッツはケト中でも食べられると言いますが、ナッツにも糖質は含まれているので、その量・種類に気をつけなければいけません。実はカシューナッツやピーナッツは糖質が多く食べてはいけません。よくケト食といわれるアーモンドも糖質がそこそこあり。そんな中でも一番優秀なナッツはピーカンナッツです。ピーカンナッツは65%以上が脂質で、糖質はわずか7, 8%しかなく、これなら一日40粒くらいなら食べても大丈夫です。普段のご飯は油に油をかけたギトギト食を食べているので、隙間時間に食べるピーカンは僕にとってオアシスです。ケト中の方には強くお勧め!ではまた。Have a cool day!