Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Tried a Chinese Restaurant [49th day]

Good evening. It's Illinois Panda.

I visited a Chinese restaurant for the first time in the U.S. There are several restaurants that serve Chinese food on campus. I tried one of them to have today's dinner with my friend from Turkey. As he hasn't eaten Chinese food more than three times in his life, and I wanted to have Chinese food, we were in the same to try Chinese food. I went to a restaurant called Lao Sze Chuan Chinese Restaurant and Bar, which is on campus. We picked up mapo tofu and spicy chicken. They were said in a menu list to be very spicy, so we ordered a waiter to make it less spicy. However, the food we were serve was spicer than I imagined, and I thought the spiciness the Chinese think is always beyond my imagination, lol. Although it was a little too spicy, the taste is delicious, and I loved it. I'm totally satisfied with it :)



昨日、海外にいながら国政選挙に投票できるのかなーと思って調べてみたら、在外選挙制度なる制度があり、一定の条件を満たせば外国にいても投票できることが判明しました。条件とは①満18歳以上の日本国民であること、②海外に3ヶ月以上継続居住していること、のたった2点です。この2点を満たせば、まず在外選挙人名簿に登録することができ、次に登録後に在外選挙証を受け取って、それがあれば現地の大使館で投票できるみたいです。せっかくの機会だから、今度の衆院選で在外投票をしてみようと思ったのですが、申請から在外選挙証を受け取れるまで3ヶ月くらいかかるらしいので諦めました、、、。ざんねん。では今日はこの辺で。Have a good night!