Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Go out of Summertime [85th day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda.

Today's blog seems to be the assembly of small talks about an ordinal life. 

I've already experienced a temperature under 0℃ this year. When I get up and go outside in the mornings nowadays, it's freezing as if it's January night in Tokyo. I've already unpacked a down jacket and bought some equipment to be ready for winter. By the way, as I said, I started After Effects in the last blog, I've been having fun learning it. I'm studying about making elementary animations now and made some basic footage, which has been exciting and suited me :) Then let's go up to the subject. Yesterday, I experienced the transition of summertime to normal time for the first time. Frankly speaking, not until my friend told me it was the end of summertime that day did I notice that I had been in summertime and even know that there is summertime in America. I had an extra hour at midnight, which means there was an hour from 1am to 2am twice. I felt like I got extra time in my life and was happy, ignoring I'll have a day with only 23 hours in next Spring, lol.



さっき政治学の予習やってて気づいたのですが、最近リーディングが早くなってきました。2ヶ月前と比べると1.5〜2倍くらいスピードが違う気がします。単語力や読解力的なスキルはあまり変わってないと思うのですが、英語を読むことへの心理的ハードルや嫌々な気持ちが払拭されたおかげで、英語を読むというストレスが軽減されて内容に集中できるようになったからかなーと思います。とはいえネイティブに比べると、特に難しい文章になると、まだまだスピードと理解度に大きな差があるので、これからも精進します。ではまた。Have a good day!