Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Start Learning Another Skill [82nd day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda. 

I just noticed that I learned to type the above sentences, "Hi. It's Illinois Panda." as fast as the password to open my laptop. It proves I've written blogs many times :) I wanna learn to write a blog within 30 minutes, just as I tried two months ago. So, I'm doing the 30 min challenge on this blog. Let's start!
As I said before, I've been practicing programming for about a month. I acquired the basic skills of Python, HTML, and CSS. After finishing the courses of beginner HTML and CSS on Codecademy, I made a simple website imitating a model website. While making it, I felt it was not enjoyable but rather tough to make a website, and it's necessary to acquire much more knowledge and skills to enjoy making websites I want to make than I have. However, because I have to touch and practice languages to improve their skill and I have other skills I want to acquire more, I changed my mind to take a break to practice HTML and CSS. I think learning the basic idea of HTML and CSS was so great that I came to understand how website systems work behind computers. Instead of learning these two languages, I decided to concentrate on Python and to start studying another skill. That skill is "After Effects".


I think some of you know After Effects. It's a video production software produced by Adobe for CG, VFX, animation, or so. I used to use it to make simple animation when I was a high school student. I just thought I wanna make creative short videos as traveling in America during winter vacation. I already have a DSLR camera and can use Premiere Pro, so I just want to leaen VFX to make fancy videos. It's gonna tough to learn AE, but I love creating something especially video, so I'm looking forward to learning AE hard.  I started to learn basic skills of using AE with master-course lecture videos on Udemy, which covers from how to operate AE to how to adapt VFX in footage in 30 hours. I'll keep practicing AE every day as well as Python



あ、そういえば、30分チャレンジ失敗しました、40分以上かかりました。日本語パートをノリノリで書いてしまったのが敗因と思われます。ではまた。Have a nice day!