Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

CSS [66th day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda.

Recently, I've been accustomed to how to study at an American university and have been getting tips to learn efficiently. On the other hand, getting used to be something often causes me to be lazy or cut corners. I'm aware that the pressure or stress imposed on me of the study is becoming less, so I need to keep myself disciplined, not be idle. By the way, I started learning CSS today. CSS is a language for adding color or design to web pages. Its syntax is not so hard as well as HTML, so I plan to acquire HTML and CSS and build a webpage by myself! 


こんばんは。ちょっと前に睡眠習慣を改善します!と宣言したのですが、まだ改善中でございます。早く寝れる日もあるのですが相変わらず、7時起き→二度寝→8時~8時半再起床が毎日の定番になってしまっています。目標は毎日バッチリ6時半起床です。まだまだ改善の必要ありです。ではまた明日。Have fun!