Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Getteing Cold [68th day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda.

It was the coldest day today since I came here. It went down under 10℃. I wear the foody I bought yesterday, but it was not sufficient to protect my body from the cold, lol. I don't have anything special to tell you today. I've finished the CSS course on Codecademy. Now that I've learned basic knowledge to build websites. So, I'll try to make my own website by myself.



あんまり書くことがなくて短くなってごめんなさい笑  明日からはブログの題材が大量に手に入る予定なので、明日以降お楽しみください。ではおやすみなさい。Have a good night.