Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Squash!!! [50th day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda.

Until today 50 days have passed since I came to the U.S. It can be said I'm entirely accustomed to campus life. There is nothing troublesome while living daily life. I know all of the places I regularly go and the buses I usually take. I'm relieved there have been no prominent troubles by now. But, I have to keep in mind that this is a gun society here and an ordinarily dangerous place compared to Japan, and be cautious not to loosen my alertness. By the way, I tried playing squash for the first time in my life today! Do you know what squash is? It's a racket sport. Two players hit a tiny softball at the walls with a racket like a small tennis racket in an inside room with four walls. They hit the ball in turns until it bounces more than once. That's squash.



I've always wanted to play squash but couldn't have a good opportunity. However, I found that there are squash rooms on the underground level in ARC, a gymnasium I introduced to you the other day, last week. So, I invited my roommate to play it today. As I have played tennis for more than five years, and I'm used to swinging a racket and moving around fast, I had no concern that I couldn't do it. As I expected, I had no difficulty in playing squash and got a kick out of it. Tennis and squash have a lot in common, and I think people who have experience playing tennis can play squash easily; reverse is not always applied, though. We enjoyed squash for 1.5 hours and got really tired. He was a very beginner at racket sports, but he played very well. Lastly, we were on the same page that squash is extremely enjoyable! I'm willing to play again if we have one more chance.


昨日、近くのアジアンマーケットに行ってきました!(後日ブログにするかも) 日中韓の食べ物がよりどりみどりで夢のような場所でした。今後のブログのネタに使えそうなのも色々仕込んできたのでお楽しみに!今回のブログで紹介するのは、ばばん!、大福です。大福なるものは普段お目にかかれないのでかなりテンション上がりましたね。2つ買ったのですが、豆大福の方はトルコ人の友達にあげて、僕は赤大福を食べました。美味しかったです。いわゆる普通の大福でした。友達は大福初体験のようでしたが、めっちゃ美味しかったそうです。あと「何でかはうまく説明できないんだけど、この食べ物かわいいね!」って言ってました。なので「日本の女子高生と同じ感覚を持ってるね」と教えてあげました。以上です。おやすみなさい。Have a good night!