Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

ACE270 World Food Economy [36th day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda.


I'm gonna introduce one of the classes I'm taking. I've already presented 3 classes so far, and this is the last class information. The class name is "ACE270 World Food Economy". This class is held by the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics. It provides basic information about world food problems, hunger, and diets with us. One of the interesting facts I've learned in the class is that the demand for food worldwide will double in 2050. There are many factors for this crucial problem. The most influential one is the steep increase in the human population; the human population will rise from 7.7 billion to nearly 10 billion from the present to 2050.  It is easy to understand that if the number of mouths increases, the demand also increases. Another factor is the change in preference of food. There are many and many people improving their diets because of agricultural technology and economic improvement, and the amount of meat consume instead of staple food is increasing. It promotes food scarcity because growing livestock needs plants and water to feed on. Like this, we analyze the factor factors for world food problems and find measures to deal with them. Another problem is the world food problem; diets mean malnutrition in developing countries and obesity in developed countries. It's interesting that I've learned economic solutions to analyze the food problem and find concealed factors in the class.



OECD (2017), OECD Health Statistics 2017 (forthcoming in June 2017)

大人の肥満率の各国比較です。なんと先進国で一番肥満率が低いのは日本なんですね。ダントツで。しかも、いまいるアメリカは世界でトップの肥満率です。アメリカに来てから肥満の人が多いのは過ごしてて当たり前に感じまたが、データで見るとこんな違いがあるのかと思ってびっくりしました。日本にいると痩せている人ばかりで自分の脂肪が気になりますが、こっちに来ると多少脂肪がついても気にならなくなっているかも...。どうにか自制して健康体を保たねばと定期的に自戒します。ではまた。Have a good night!