Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

New York 3 [102nd day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda.

This was the last day we stayed on the East Coast. We traveled around Times Square and are heading back to Chicago. I'm writing this blog while waiting for the flight to O'hare Airport at LaGuardia Airport in N.Y. By the way, we went to the American Museum of Natural History in the afternoon. It was a huge national science museum located just west of Central Park. It is a four-story building and has many exhibitions about a variety of scientific fields, such as dinosaurs, the human body, gems, taxidermy of mammals, and so on. It was too big to look at all the exhibitions taking a long time for each within three hours. However, I at least took a glance at every exhibition, and they were splendid.




We ate New York food for lunch and dinner. We had N.Y.-style hotdogs for lunch and banana puddings for dinner.  New York-style hotdog is an all-beef sausage with homemade onion relish, sauerkraut, and brown mustard, then nestled into a soft hot dog bun. And, banana puddings we ate are very popular in N.Y., and you can't taste them in the shops called Magnolia Bakery. It was pretty good and also the best food I've eaten during this trip. I highly recommend this pudding if you go to N.Y.




こんばんは。朝4時半の空港からお届けしております。この旅行でボストン、フィラデルフィアワシントンD.C.、ニューヨーク、と東海岸の主要都市を大体制覇できました!この4都市+シカゴに行ってみてわかったのは、日本人はニューヨークに集中しています。というのも、ニューヨーク以外の4都市では日本語をほぼ全く聞かなかったのですが、ニューヨークを歩いていると1日に4〜6組くらいの日本人に遭遇します。なんなら中国語よりも日本語の方が良く聞くぐらいに、ニューヨークに住んでいる日本人が多いなと実感しています。おそらく仕事(金融、商社、法律、外務、医療辺りかな?)の関係で、家族ごとニューヨークに引っ越してくる日本人が他都市に比べて圧倒的に多いんだろうなという推測です。ただ大都市ニューヨークで日本語が急に聞こえてくると何故かちょっと安心します笑  外界に出てこそ同郷の繋がりを感じますね。ではそろそろ飛行機に乗るのでこの辺で。Have a great weekend!