Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

New York 2 [101st day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda. 

Happy Thanksgiving. This is the exact day of Thanksgiving day on the fourth Thursday in November. We went to the balloon parade on Times Square in the morning. It is the really popular annual parade festival on Thanksgiving day every year. Giant balloons marched on Times Square. It was overcrowded.


After that, we went to the central park and looked around there. It was a vast national park in the center of N.Y. It has a zoo where is the location of Madagascar, theaters, baseball fields, giant grass, and so on. It was pretty good. I like nature in the busy city but separated from the noise. 



In the evening, we visited Brooklyn bridge, a very large bridge where you can look at the view of the whole city. Then, we went to Wall Street that is the financial center of the world. And we headed to Battery Park to watch the Statue of Liberty over the ocean. 



ニューヨーク2日目です。今日はお昼にハラル食のケバブプレートを、夜はまた昨晩も食べた1ドルピザを食べました。ムスリムは教義的に豚肉が食べれないのですが、アメリカの食べ物は大体豚肉が入っているので、なかなかハラル食を探すのが面倒だと友人が言ってました。さて、トルコ人の友達と旅行しているので、色々なトルコ事情が耳に入ってくるのですが、ほんのここ最近、トルコの経済が急速に崩壊しているみたいで、2週間前まで1ドル=8トルコドルだったのが、今では1ドル= 13トルコドルくらいになったらしく、この3日で全ての物価が二倍になってしまったらしいです。3日で物価が倍になるってとても考えられないです。大変です、、、。では今日はこの辺で。Happy Thanksgiving!