Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Plan for Thanksgiving holidays [60th day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda.

 There is a week off for celebrating Thanksgiving day in late November. So I'm wondering what I'll do for that period. I don't have a specific plan yet, but I have some ideas. The first one is traveling to Canada. It's easy to go to Canada from here in terms of cost and distance, so it's an excellent opportunity to visit a new country. However, it may be implausible because of COVID-19; It's uncertain that quarantine will have been dismissed until then. On the second thought, I'm thinking about taking a trip to either of these three places; California, Florida, and New York. So, I asked an American where he recommended me to visit in the Thanksgiving holidays. He gave me detailed information. To summary, California has two big cities;  San Francisco and Los Angels. The former has a variety of delicious food, including Japanese food, and is also known as an art town. The latter is famous for gambling and has fancy skyscrapers. Florida is an entertainment place. It has Disney world, USJ, and stunning coat, Miami Beach. It also has nice fancy food. Lastly, New York is the biggest city and the center of business, academics, arts, and America. There are two big cities near N.Y.; Boston and Washington D.C., also popular spots to visit. And a big event is held at the center of N.Y. On Thanksgiving day, which is called Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. It's a large parade with giant balloons that takes place on Broadway. You may have seen this on TV. He said New York is most crowded on that holiday in a year, and I don't appreciate that point, but I'm interested in the parade. I have a few options like this and have come up with another option and might be more confused. Yet, it's about time to make a plan.



呑気に11月の休暇の話をしているようだけど、目下のところの課題は終わっているのかい?そういえば明日中間テストだけど、準備できているかい?今週末レポートあるよね、もう手はつけたのかい?はい、、、すぐやります。はい、、、ただちに、、、。ということで今日はこの辺で。Have a good day!