Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Took the third Midterm exam [88th day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda. 
I took the third Midterm exam in Econ 302 class. I felt I was going well with it. I did recap all the lectures and prepared very well yesterday. In fact, a guy who belongs to the same shooting team in MACS140 class supposed me to study for this exam at a library. He also takes ECON302 and knew I take it too. So he messaged me suddenly and studied together at the undergraduate library. What is surprising is we had had a few conversations before in shooting films and we weren't purported friends rather acquaintances. I mean people here are very friendly and aren't hesitate to talk to persons they don't know too much. I've felt this kind of friend in many scenes after I came to America. So, this is just one of hundreds of examples. However, I haven't been used to this sort of friendly yet and unconsciously behave in a shy Japanese sense sometimes.



休講って一般的に嬉しいものなのですが、今日に限っては間に合うように努力した分、余計悲しかったです。ではまた明日😭 Bye Bye.