Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

MACS 140 Smartphone Shooting [17th day]

Hello. It's Illinois Panda.



This is a typical day today, which means anything special didn't happen. So, while writing this, I'm wondering what I share with you today. Uhmmm...Ah!  I just come up with a good idea. I'm gonna introduce classes I take this semester. I register for 4 courses (12 credit hours), and each class has 2 or 3 classes each week. Classes are categorized into two types, one is lecture, and the other is discussion. A lesson is 50 or 80 minutes period. The time is pretty comfortable, considering a class in my home university takes me 105 minutes. I'm introducing one of four classes. It's "MACS 140  Smartphone Shooting". Before explaining its detail, I'll describe what this title implies. First of all, the beginning 4 capital letters "MACS" means which department holds that class. As to this class, the department of Media Arts and Cinema Studies has the class. Then, the following 3 numbers illustrate how difficult that class is. The larger that number is, the more complex and cumulative the class is. The number of 101 is the smallest, and numbers can be from 101 to 600. Classes with more than 400 in its number are highly demanding and open mostly for graduate students. Generally speaking, almost all undergraduate students take courses under 400. Going back to the subject, "MACS 140 Smartphone Shooting" is a class held by the Department of Media Arts and Cinema Studies, at a beginner level, and about Smartphone Shooting. This course aims to teach us the basic components, strategies, vocabulary, and techniques of short films throughout practical exercises using smartphones. We make five short films in the class by shooting with smartphone cameras and editing with  Premiere Pro. I've produced several films and videos as a hobby by myself, so this class attracts me. I can take videos as a hobby and eventually get credit. That's splendid for me. We shoot films in a group of 3-6 people. So it contributes me to hang out and enjoy shooting with other students. I love the class so far!



さて、ここまで飛ばさずに読んでくれた人はいるのでしょうか?(ちゃんと読んでくれた人いたらとても嬉しいです。飛ばさないで読んだよ!ってLINEください)書き終わってすぐに「何と読み手のことを考えていない冗長な構成だろうか」と反省しました笑 読んでくださっている皆様のために、もうちょっと面白く、読みやすい文章を書けるようにしますね。ではまた明日。Have a nice day!