Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Assignment is accumlating... [35th day]

Good evening. It's Illinois Panda.

It's already past 2am. I haven't been going well this week, and I couldn't do pre-reading and revise lecture content enough. Thus, I have plenty of assignments that should be done by this weekend. However, I joined a recruiting information session this evening and participated in a birthday party tonight from night to almost the present. I need to deal with tons of assignments, the deadline of one of which is tomorrow, but I'm not done. Do you know what I should do? The answer is pretty straightforward.  ━ Do it now. So, I'm pulling all-nighters until I finish the homework. 

my mochi (green tea flavor)

今日はアメリカのアイス紹介です。紹介するのは「my mochi 緑茶味」食堂のショップで売っていたのがたまたま目に入ったので買ってみました。雪見だいふくみたいな見た目をしており、美味しそうなフォルムです。大きさは雪見だいふくの1.5倍、硬さも1.5倍といった感じです。緑茶の味はしませんでしたが、味はそこそこ美味しかったです。現場からは以上です。




今日は夜遅いのでこんなもんでご容赦を。ではまた。Have a good dream...