Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

A Taxidermy of Deer [30th day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda.

I don't have enough time to write a blog today, so it'll be shorter than usual. I'm tired all day long because I had two party in succession last weekend. I talked over with many people in noisy places and got have to speak out loudly, which is why I got my throat damaged. So, I took a rest in my room in the afternoon after taking classes, reading textbooks, to cure my sore throat.

こんばんは。上の写真は一昨日開かれたパーティーのホストのお宅に飾ってあった鹿の剥製です。ホストの人が弓で射抜いたらしい。生きてるみたいで迫力がすごかった。今日は疲れているたのでお昼寝しました。今からお夜寝します。では。Have a good night.