Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Enbarkation [1st day]

Hello. I’m "Illinois Panda". 



I'm a Japanese undergraduate student. I came to the Illinois state in the USA today and plan to study at the Illinois University at Urbana-Champaign as an exchange student for more than 9 months. This blog shares my experience and feelings in American life with you. I will introduce myself gradually in the following blogs.
Anyway, let’s start.


Arrival Lounge of Chicago O’Hare international airport (a bit crowded...)

This is the First Day of a long journey. I embarked on to a completely unfamiliar life in America. Today, I left Narita airport on the morning of 15th August, flew for half a day, and land at Chicago O’Hare international airport on the morning of the same day. And I’m writing this article on the way to the university on the bus. As I got to Chicago, I felt some kind of relief, as if I’ve come here before. I’m not sure the reason I felt so, but I did. There is only one restaurant in the lounge of the international terminal. I don’t remember what the restaurant’s name is, but there may be a big letter “M” painted yellow on a red background. I got a hamburger and a glass of café latte there. Its taste was so-so and familiar with Japanese. Also, I was shocked by the high price level of the dollar. A glass of café latte costs me about 500 yen. It’s going to be hard.

Quarter Pounder®* with Cheese & expensive café latte

I have been to this country once before, but it was a little trip. I’ve never been abroad and led a life by myself for such a long time. Surprisingly, I don’t feel as nervous as imagined but excited about my new life. I wish this feeling continued until the exchange program ends.


Fine Weather at Illinois University




Snack Vending Machines at Chicago O'Hare International Airport


今日は異国の地で生活するには「神経の図太さ」が必要だというお話をします。異国の地で文化も言葉も全く異なるところで生活していくには、自分の慣れないこと・上手くいかないことになりふり構ってはいられません。英語が聞き取れなくたって、自分の言いたいことが伝わらず無視されたって、人に強めにぶつかられたって気にしない。そんなことを気にしていたら神経が何本あっても足りなくなっちゃいます。僕はいわゆる気にしい性格で、日本だと小さなことでもすごく気になって落ち込んでしまうことも多いのですが、アメリカに来てからはそんなことではダメだと性格を矯正しています(笑) 今日は、税関スタッフの質問が全然聞き取れない、バスを待ってたら中国人に中国語で話しかけられる、マックでアジア系の人に質問されたが”burger”の発音が独特すぎて返答に1分くらいかかった等々、沢山の気にしいポイントがありましたが、アメリカでの出来事となると、生活の全てが違和感の塊なので、こういうことが逆に気にならないですね。


また明日お会いしましょう。See you tomorrow.