Illinoispanda’s diary

I live my life, not your life.

Study room on the basement floor in my dorm. [53rd day]

Hi. It's Illinois Panda 

I'm about to freak out by a highly demanding assignment for a political science class. It's a thesis that ordinarily advocates for Libertarianism in those times. Its logical construction is so complicated that I often lose myself in his argument. I've failed many times to make it clear whether he agrees or opposes an opinion argued in a paragraph. It's so hard to read it through not only because of its amount but also because even an educated American can't understand his argument only if he reads it through once, let alone me. That's why I'm so frustrated. Sorry for complaining above. Today I'm gonna tell you the place I'm struggling. Here, the basement in my dorm. I often do my homework and computer tasks here, especially at night. It is open all day, you can use it whenever you want if you live in this dormitory. It's usually not so crowded and noisy that I can concentrate here more than in my room or other places except libraries. And, it's convenient that next to this place, there is a conference room that you can use willingly and a computer lab with about 10 desktop computers and 2 printers. I love this place because it helps me to do my tasks efficiently. 

コンピューターラボ & テレビ+ボードゲーム(使っている人見たことない)

夜の時間は人が全然いないので、のびのびできて快適です。あと夜は定期的に(たぶん銃を持った)強面の警備員が巡回に来るので、定期的に背筋が伸びてダラダラ勉強が避けられます。いい環境ですね笑 ではまた明日。Have a nice day!